I realized I am coming up on my 5 year anniversary mark for my membership at Labarre and have been so inspired by the blog posts of fellow members in the community, that I thought I would share my own story. I don’t even like writing, so that tells you a little bit of what Labarre means to me. When I was pregnant with my son, Eugene, I noticed this cool looking studio in our new neighborhood that I knew I wanted to check out, the moment I got cleared to work out post partum. I had tried barre a few times in the past and wasn’t completely sold but something about this studio was welcoming and warm plus they offered child care. Needless to say, I was intrigued. Literally the day Eugene turned 8 weeks old and I was cleared to exercise, we were at Labarre Studios! I needed this for my mind, body and soul. First time parenting was hard for me. I was struggling with nursing and pumping full time, feeling all of the emotions as my body attempted to regroup and stabilize and while I enjoyed and acknowledged I was privileged to be at home, on paid leave, I really missed conversations with adults. I was talking to our dog, Bishop, a lot, and he does not make a great conversationalist. My first class, with Sara Rosa (labarre's studio manager & founding instructor) kicked my ass in every way and I loved it. I remember wondering how the hell am I supposed to balance my behind on this unstable ball and not break a body part? There was a lot of jiggling. There still is. I was impressed with the child care attendant. She had six kids back there with her and Eugene was the youngest by far and it was all good. Throughout the years, sometimes Eugene wasn’t so “good” and I say it with quotation marks because let’s face it, he is a kid and kids act out but the child care staff always were caring and accommodating. I always stayed and got my workout and self care time in. Labarre is so much more than just a place to sweat. It is a second home. I loved walking there (now I have to drive as we moved), and knowing I was doing something for myself, amongst other people who were showing up for themselves and each other as well. In 2018, I got a scary new diagnosis related to my heart. I always knew I had irregular heart rhythms since college, and being a nurse, I was pretty well versed in what it meant and what my limitations were. This was different because this was structural and it gave me some anxiety as I read my cardiologist’s message. He was actually overseas when he messaged me so I was even more concerned (also appreciative). I have this vivid memory because I was on my way to Labarre for an esthetician appointment with Lorena and I happened to check my phone right before. As Lorena and I started to make small talk, I started to cry, because I was scared and not sure what this diagnosis meant, not only for me but also my son. She was so sweet and endearing. I am sure it wasn’t the Brazilian wax she had in mind. It turns out, I needed to have a pacemaker/ defibrillator inserted for preventative measures. While I was ok with this plan, I wasn’t crazy about having a procedure as my last one(at a different hospital) wasn’t ideal. I remember asking Lisa Alberino (labarre's owner/founder) about pausing my membership since I couldn’t work out for some time after the procedure and again, the tears started coming, right at the front desk. Lisa came around and held my hand and reassured me that everything will be alright and they will be there for me when I can return. It made me feel so much better. Fun fact, I randomly learned another member also has a pacemaker as we were randomly discussing moves we had to modify. Again, the community welcomes you. When COVID hit, I remember being at Labarre and Lisa having a calm presence at class, letting us know we were all in it together. Labarre really did everything they could to continue offering services to the community and I appreciated it because we needed to connect. I remember the barre happy hour zoom classes and the soccer field classes when part of the fun was making sure you didn’t get hit by a ball. Labarre was and is super committed to its members. I also felt supported by Labarre during the violent crimes in the US against black people. Labarre didn’t stay quiet. I really respected it. They put out a message and commitment, which they hold true to. I noticed other local businesses chose to remain silent and they lost my business. Above all, the time I felt I needed labarre the most was when my brother in law passed away last summer. DJ was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 26 and needless to say, it shook our family to the core. I leaned into my Labarre community for help. Lorena, the esthetician, actually became our part time nanny during COVID and she graciously stepped in, to help with our son Eugene, so we could make plans. Lisa reached out to me right away to offer her condolences and services as well. I felt truly supported by this group of women.
A day or two after his death, I took Claudia’s class virtually, just to try to clear my mind. It was mostly me laying on the floor and crying. It still felt cathartic and needed to happen. Instructors always say random things throughout class and sometimes it invokes such an emotion in me because it is exactly what I needed to hear- it’s like therapy. DJ, as well as several of my family members and friends, have been to Labarre with me and I am grateful I have this memory of us, enjoying something together as I can share a piece of my community with them. If you are curious about classes or services at Labarre, do it! You will enjoy it and become a new member of a wonderful community; maybe I will see you there.
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Born and raised in San Jose, Mercedes knows the Bay Area well. This hometown native will now be opening shop at 1445 The Alameda inside of labarre studios and is thrilled at the opportunity to be a part of the community she calls home. Please give a warm welcome to Mercedes Dandrea as she is now the in-house esthetician in the studio and will be located on the first floor in the ROZ vault. Always a fan of beautification of others, Mercedes’ calling came early. “Even as a little kid I loved make people feeling good about themselves. When my older brother would babysit me, he was always a trooper and I would play beauty salon with him (although it didn’t necessarily make him feel good, he was helping to spark Mercedes’ passion in her craft.). He was really cool and allowed me to be creative in that way.” She laughs. After understanding that her career could be tailored to fit her love, she went to school in 2007 to pave her way to become a licensed esthetician. Her adoration grew for the beauty industry and Mercedes insightfully honed her business skills by managing several premium beauty salons in the Bay and surrounding areas over the course of the past decade. Having a daughter (10 year old Siena) changed the course of Mercedes’ path and her thought process as well. The freedom of being her own boss allowed her to chase the dream as well as reinforce her strengths as an esthetician. With her business now opening in labarre, the expectations remain the same and they are simple and direct. “I feel like I am personable, and I like to make people feel comfortable. People can get uncomfortable as some of these procedures are intimate and it takes some time. I like to create a warming, welcoming environment first and foremost. I want people to feel safe and comfortable.” ![]() Mercedes’s continues, “I like to tailor my services specifically to my clients. I want people to get the most out of their appointment. I know that people have often walked out thinking ‘this is great! It was like a therapy session as well!’ and that’s what I am going for. For a decade and a half, Mercedes has been tackling her mission of making people feel their best. When she came across labarre studios thanks to our friends at On The Alameda she saw that the studios and founder and owner, Lisa Alberino, was looking to vastly improve on the esthetician offerings. That was when everything clicked and it weas meant to be. So much so that it reunited Mercedes with her old roommate in a sense. The gorgeous and iconic mural that adorns the wall in the historic building (which was restored brilliantly in 2017) was painted by none other than world-famous artist, David Choe… who also happened to be a former roomy of Mercedes! “I just LOVE the building and when I heard that Lisa restored the mural I was amazed”, Mercedes says with a smile. “Back in the day we (David and Mercedes) were connected by our love for creativity. I created and designed jewelry and the artists connection and some friends in the photography world were our common bond.”
That connection is a sign that Mercedes is where she belongs, making her dream come true and furthering an already successful career in the beauty business. Her take on why a client would want to try her offerings is exactly why Lisa united with Mercedes’ to be the studios on-site esthetician. “I feel like estheticians are hidden gems. The good ones all have a unique style and energy. If you are looking for someone easy going, professional but also extremely thorough, I am the girl! I pride myself in my work and make sure that my client is leaving satisfied in what they are paying for. I am a picky client as well and if I were to walk into my room I would expect it to be immaculately clean and have pride in this spot. Other clients should see how much I love my space and career.” We are thrilled to have Mercedes in the building, and she will begin the week of October 16th. Be sure to give her a follow on Instagram @mercedesmakeupandbrows and keep an eye on all labarre channels for more information on Mercedes offerings! How LaBarre Saved My Life….okay, that sounds a bit dramatic, but when LaBarre’s owner, Lisa Alberino posted her story, it reminded me how LaBarre came into my life at the perfect time and helped me heal. My name is Heidi Parrish. I moved into the Rose Garden area in the Fall of 2016. I was moving from the Santa Cruz mountains where I had lived for the previous 3 years. Two of those years was with my husband of almost 30 years and one of those years was just me and my dog. I was excited about relocating down the hill to the Rose Garden for the walk-ability factor and closer to civilization. I was in search of a community, as well as, being more accessible to my friends. The year 2015 was not good to me. In February of that year I lost my father, age 88, whom I was extremely close to. He was my champion and hero. Although his passing was expected, I missed him deeply, but did not let myself truly grieve because I needed to be there for my mom. My sister and I promised our dad we would take over her care, which meant flying to Boise as often as I could. We thought she would for sure die of a broken heart since my parents had been together since they were 17. Fast forward 8 months later when my husband has a sudden fatal heart attack. And just like that I was a widow, and alone, at the young age of 56. We have 3 sons who were in their 20’s at the time – so all my strength went into comforting them and letting them know I would be ok. The rest of 2015 and most of 2016 my time was spent taking care of business, mine own and my parents which included not only selling my mountain home, but handling the sale of my parent’s beloved lake property. When I moved in October of 2016, my mother was still physically with us (she hadn’t been herself for years due to dementia/Alzheimer’s). She and I could still connect through music and just looking at each other. Two years to the month after losing my father, my mom decided she was ready to be with him. So, by the time LaBarre opened in July of 2017, I had lost both my parents and my husband over a 2 ½ year period. The 3 people that truly knew me. I carried that grief deep inside me as I did my best to move forward with my life. In the years leading up to my move, my level of exercise was yoga 1 day a week and a lot of walking. I had heard from a neighbor that a barre studio was going into the Italian Bank location and I was looking forward to trying it out especially since it was walking distance from my home. I had tried barre before, and although I liked that type of exercise, the previous studios left me unexcited to return. About a month after LaBarre opened, I tried the one-week trial and at the end of that week, I became a Founder Member. I remember my first class, Amber was the instructor and I was in the back next to Jackie, another LaBarre instructor. We were on the floor, probably something ab related, and I notice I had a death grip on the mat. It was tough but I survived. During the early days of LaBarre, all classes were 60 minutes which left time for cool down stretching and savasana. During savasana, one of the early instructors would play this song about angels that always brought tears to my eyes. Tears that needed to be shed. Slowly with every class I took, as my body became stronger, I started to feel more positive and happiness again. I began to heal the hole left in my heart and soul. Now 5 years later, with the encouragement of Lisa, Sara and the LaBarre community, I am still at it. I have never done any type of single exercise consistently for 5 years before. Through LaBarre I have met some wonderful people. Many I now consider my friends, in fact one of my closest friends I met at LaBarre. I have had the privilege of watching some of my fellow workout mates become amazing instructors. At LaBarre it was not only the class instructors, but also the service technicians who have helped me feel whole again.
Although I am still single, I no longer feel alone or lonely. For this I have several people to thank most importantly my dog, my sons and my growing family. I also thank Lisa, Sara and the LaBarre community. When I joined Labarre, I was still recovering from ACL surgery from a skiing accident. I was about 1.5 years into recovery but the types of core fitness workouts I was doing still hurt my knee. I wanted to regain my strength as I have always been athletic, but was feeling low about myself as I was in my early fifties and wondering what could I do to stay in shape besides walking or biking? There were also personal things weighing on me. My Dad passed away in 2013 and in 2014, my mother had a serious life-changing stroke. My mom was lost without my Dad. Her stroke left her 100% handicapped, and lost both her ability to speak and walk. I felt like I had lost my Mom in many ways along with my father. We would speak everyday prior to her stroke and although it was a difficult decision, I took the initiative and had my mother live with me so I could care for her properly. At this time, I was only 2 years into my new marriage. I thought I had married my soulmate. In 2016, my husband left me and made excuses that he couldn’t handle the household. I was working full time and had caregivers in my home taking care of mom. My mom was needy as was my husband. So here I was at the end of 2016, alone again. I was feeling low about my age and overall life situation. In 2017 I did everything to create the “new” me. I was a strong woman and knew I could survive anything. I needed to regain my body to feel better about myself. Labarre had just opened a half a block from my home in September of 2017. After 30 days of seeing their grand opening offers and signs, I walked in and spoke to owner/founder, Lisa Alberino. Lisa encouraged me to try the free week offer. I went the following Sunday and took a class everyday that week. My body was sore all over but I knew in time I would adjust and I felt I was getting stronger every month. I joined right away and I have long surpassed 1000 classes. I am 59 and feel great again. I am confident of my age and often told I look 10-15 years younger!
Last summer I was in Pismo Beach and a man my age told me I had great legs and what did I do to look like I do. I told him about Barre fitness. I give credit to labarre for changing my life. Thanks Lisa & the team at Labarre Studios!! We have been receiving many stories after my initial posting of this blog about a month ago. The stories have not only been beyond inspirational for me but also, frankly, mind blowing to grasp the depth and importance that the studio has brought to so many who are proud to call themselves part of its community. Below is one from one of the most brilliant and kind people ever to grace our floor. Please take a few moments to enjoy. I’m not one for hyperboles, so believe me when I say this: Labarre Studios saved my life. I discovered Labarre in the summer of 2018. I was scouring Craig’s List, looking for a summer job, when I came across a listing for a part time childcare attendant. I had experience with kids and I saw that the job benefits included a free membership. As a dancer looking to stay active that summer, that perk sealed the deal. I applied, interviewed with Lisa, and was hired. What I thought was going to be just a way to take free classes and meet cute kids, turned into a family and community that has changed my life over the past four years. In the Spring of 2019, I was at college in New York when my mental health began to slip. I fell into a depression so deep, I completed the last six weeks of the semester from home in California. While most of my friends spent that summer with internships, I knew that I had to focus on healing. That involved lots of conversations with my therapist, but it also meant heading back to Labarre, where Lisa and Sara welcomed me with open arms. The summer of 2019 at Labarre most certainly saved my life. There were so many times that I felt suicidal and was literally pulled out of a hole by walking into that studio and taking a deep breath. That summer, Lisa encouraged me to become a certified instructor. The training and Lisa’s guidance gave me a newfound purpose that continued to tamp down my depression and bring out my old, happy self. The summer of 2019 alone would justify me calling Labarre a life-saver, but anyone who knows the studio knows that Labarre is never there for you just once. Come spring of 2020, I was home for the shutdown. Lisa asked me if I would teach virtual classes and I readily agreed. For the first six weeks of quarantine, I taught a barre class every single day. Only two or three were through LaBarre, but on my days off, I would teach classes for my family and friends over zoom. That hour was a way for me to connect with my friends in other states and get my body moving after spending the day sitting in front of a computer.
I am a big fan of talking about mental health and am a true believer in the importance of therapy and medication. I don’t believe that having good friends or taking walks is enough to cure my depression. But I am confident that LaBarre played a major role in my recovery. The combination of physical activity, positive thinking, and a supportive community, filled the dark gaps the medication couldn’t reach. Whether I was taking an 8:00pm HIIT or teaching a 7:15am barre, my soul was being healed in that studio. In May of 2020, I moved across the country for work and have not returned to San Jose for longer than 3 months. I have had amazing career opportunities in campaigns and now in Congress. But still, LaBarre remains the best job I have ever had. Not just my time as an instructor, but my time behind the front desk. Lisa and Sara have built a team that truly feels like a family. Furthermore, they prioritized my growth as a person and an employee by consistently granting me additional responsibilities and allowing me to use my previous skills in new ways to help the studio. I am currently living in Washington DC, but I know that in a few years I will be making my way back to San Jose. I have no doubt in my mind that when I do, I will be able to walk right back into LaBarre and pick up where I left off — after updating my training certification, of course! About a week ago, I wrote a story about how labarre had saved my life… not only once, but twice. That blog can be found right HERE. As the owner and founder of the nearly five-year-old studio I knew all too well that starting a small business in California was as risky a challenge as I could ever face. I hunkered down with the help of some incredible people and put my heart and soul into it succeeding and never lost sight of the goal. That goal was to build an oasis for the mind, body and spirit of all who stepped through the front door. Little did I know that labarre would have residual benefits that were exponentially greater than what I intended it to achieve… This incredible story is in response to the post I created. Overly grateful for Carleigh Burdine and hope you will read her story as well. Labarre Studios saved my postpartum body, and got me through state-to-state commuting with a nine month old, and a move. I wish I could’ve taken the studios with me to Washington State. I am a barre Instructor now, because of Lisa Alberino, her vision, and the incredible souls who’ve followed her. My second son was a large baby with a large head, and I went from running 5Ks, half-marathons, doing high-impact Hip Hop, and 12-hour night shifts high risk OB to limping on a long walk. There is not an option to not take your toddler to the park, or not baby-wear your 9 lb. newborn. You simply must solider-on. So, I was limping down the Alameda with my double-stroller, after a particularly grueling barre class at another popular chain, when I met Lisa. She was warm, exuberant, intense, and authentic. And she saw my hurt. Everything hurt. And all they would tell me was that I had 2 babies in 2 years. And I needed time to recover. I did not have time to wait. I needed to be a mom, a nurse, a wife, and a human today. Even though, I had already been doing barre for 4 years by then, Lisa brought a humanity to her practice, that helped me heal. I cried at the end of my first class knowing my babies were in loving hands. And someone gave a sh*t about me from the inside out. They encouraged me to heal that way. “Focus on yourself, your breath, and taking this time. The rest will come.” And they were right.
I tear up just thinking about it. The move to Washington State did not save our family or my marriage. But teaching barre has. And now, I get to tell my clients to take that moment of gratitude for their bodies, their breath, and their life. What a gift, Lisa, words will never suffice. 6/12/2022 3 Comments How labarre studios saved my life!I feel its time to share my story. I know what you’re thinking … did I really read this correctly? The answer is, “yes you did! I have been thinking about sharing my story for quite some time and with our 5-year anniversary coming up on July 14th, 2022, I feel now is the time to be real. When I opened labarre studios in July 2017 my energy and enthusiasm was at an all high. During this time my dad was managing a terminal illness which ended up taking his life months before we opened. I lost my dad, and he didn’t get to see my dream come to fruition. This event absolutely broke my heart both figuratively and literally. The excess stress settled in my heart and it started to beat out of rhythm in a very dangerous combination of Atrial Fib and Atrial Flutter. This condition is well known as “broken heart syndrome”. The only thing that regulated my heart was exercise, so when I was doing barre, this rhythm corrected. Once I was diagnosed, the surgeons moved quickly to perform corrective surgery on my heart. As I was being prepared for surgery, I was quietly wearing heart rate monitors daily, while teaching classes to record my heart rhythm. No one noticed, and I didn’t make any mention of it. Fast forward to the financial and emotional devastation of Covid-19 when my husband, Rob Alberino, lost his job as the Vice President of the San Francisco 49ers along with 33 million other Americans. Like many others, our world had crashed. Labarre Studios was in a forced shut-down and we were in limbo of what was next to come. The urgency of this situation had me so hyper focused on our family and labarre that I ignored signs of an infection and was simply treating the symptoms while ignoring the signs. I was also being a good citizen by staying away from overly crowded hospitals that were dealing with the covid global pandemic with record numbers of deaths daily. Here’s where I give a big “shout out” to our Acupuncturist, Angelica Acton, who pointed out to me not once but twice that she was seeing signs of kidney infection through her exams and treatments. I made an appointment right away but couldn’t get into a doctor for a few weeks. Unfortunately, this spread to sepsis and septic shock. I landed in ICU in the infectious disease wing with all the Covid patients and wasn’t allowed any visitors. Ironically, or not, the nurse that checked me in was a labarre studios member and she promised me that she would stay with me and assured me that I was in good hands. My, how the tables had turned …. I don’t know what I would have done without labarre studios during these difficult times. Taking classes and seeing our community brought me so much joy I will be forever grateful. Interestingly enough I am not the only person who can say “labarre has saved my life” as I have seen and heard this over and over again from our community over the past 5-years. I have heard the following phrase multiple times, “if I didn’t have labarre studios in my life, I may not be here today.” We have had staff and members who have lost siblings, husbands, children, nephews, friends, aunts, grandparents, parents and more. We have had members who have experienced mental health challenges, lost their careers, experienced illnesses, death and divorce who and have clung to labarre studios during the toughest of times. We have boarded up our building during the instability of this world due to events like George Floyd’s murder and the epidemic of gun violence we experience all too often. Today we can shout that we are still standing as a business, and we are even stronger and better from the inside out. Again, both figuratively and literally!
I even had a mental health therapist cancel her membership due to a conflict of interest because she recommends labarre studios to her patients to help them in their own personal healing. So when someone says to me, “why do you put so much effort and time into your studio? Wouldn’t you be better off to sell it or move on from it now that you live in Kansas City?” My answer is simple, “because labarre studios saves lives.” We cannot be everything to everyone, but to someone we can be everything. We would love to hear how labarre studios is helping you or has made a difference in your life ... maybe even saved your life! Lets not keep secrets any longer and see if together we can help others! Xo ~ Lisa 4/17/2022 2 Comments Meet Karen Zell!If you have ever been to a labarre class, then you must surely know the fabulous Karen Zell. Yes, Karen… you know the one who has been here since the VERY beginning!! “My family was going to dinner at Zona Rosa, and we saw the coming soon sign on the bank doors as we were walking by and I thought … ‘Ohhhh a new barre place! I’ve got to get in at the ground level!’ So, I went that night and I joined without even taking a class. I looked at a lot of other places before, like Pure Barre and Barre 3, and I like that type of modality as I have had a lot of sports injuries and barre worked for me, so I joined that night. I took the first class the next morning at the underground facilities and that was that!” Karen joined labarre in the underground days of 2016. She is what we consider a labarre OG! She is also a Bay Area OG as this Santa Clara native was born in raised in the South Bay and proudly continues to call it home. The community of labarre has also been home for this fitness warrior who has done everything from aerobics to gymnastics as well as outdoor activities across many levels including horseback riding and more! It’s no surprise that she immerses herself in the place that she lives. As a matter of fact, Karen has taken that love for the community and Santa Clara with her throughout her career. She is part of the Santa Clara Unified system and she supports a team of 18 librarians as she herself was a librarian at an elementary school. Now at an elevated position, Karen visits schools to help with lesson planning and best practices across the area. If that is not enough, Karen is reaching her year anniversary at labarre as an instructor and her journey to get there was one of motivation and commitment. “When I look back” Karen notes, “It’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be!” Karen was a student for 4 years and shifted less than a year ago into a lead role. “I thought this was going to be easy I had steadily done it, but I didn’t realize the many layers that were involved! Doing the exercises while thinking through the music and movements… I just had no idea. It’s been a great challenge which is why I wanted to do it. I needed to fill my mind and my body with a good active challenge and its definitely doing that.” She is feeling out her style and she loves to have fun. “I feel funny and silly, and I am chattery and really like to keep the class going. I try to go next to people and motivate and teach. It’s really been fun and I know the students enjoy it.” But the underlying reasoning for instructing was insightful and important as well. “The big motivation for me is defining healthy. Being healthy means having freedom. My family history has a lot of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, things that have prevented my family from going out and doing normal, healthy things. Especially with COVID and the past years, it means being able to continue to do the activities that I want to for the rest of my life. It’s now more important than ever. Labarre has really allowed me to keep that alive.” Karen continues to share her journey, “The timing of it was key and the state of the world was a part of it. I was at an all-time weight last spring. I had a little ‘come to Jesus’ talk with myself and something had to give. I was tired of online classes and tired of seeing what I was, and I needed a big kick in the pants! I was feeling low and enough was enough. I needed something bigger and that’s when the decision to teach came. It was a commitment because I would have to continue this on… it couldn’t just be a one-time thing. You must be fit to be an instructor. You just can’t get fit for one event… continually creating and getting better is what it would take to get there. It was a big picture thing.” Karen notes what labarre founder and owner, Lisa Alberino put out a call to add to the instructor lineup, “That was it! I signed up.” Karen’s passion for life is infectious and when not better herself and others at the studio, she loves hanging out with her friends and this may come as a huge shocker… she is an avid reader! Yes, this librarian practices what she preaches! (By the way have you joined the #labook club yet? If not, you should because its free and awesome… but back to Karen!)
Both of her kids are now in college so travelling is always a wonderful escape for Karen and her husband when she’s not cuddled up with a book. Any chance they can get out of town and explore is time well spent. “Just travelling, camping… doing the empty-nest thing is wonderful” she says with a smile. So why try Karen’s class? Why try labarre? Why change up your routine?? “Just go for it – you lose nothing in trying! Try it on and see how it feels and you will never be sorry for trying!” Words of wisdom from Karen Zell. 9/13/2021 1 Comment Transformation at its Finest!When we last connected with founding member, Trinidad Pena, he gave us some great information. Born and raised in Santa Clara, CA, Trinidad is a staple in the neighborhood. He’s coming up on his 4th anniversary as a married man (lucky husband, Francisco better have a nice gift for him!)
“I took a manifestation challenge. Asking myself, what do you desire? And I thought about it for a while, I really thought it through. The truth is, the thought of barre kept coming through my head. I kept a journal and reviewed it often. 98% of it was all about becoming an instructor – manifesting that desire.” Trinidad shared. “There was a significant focus on the mind, body, spirit connection and I was ready to go for it.” For Trinidad, dealing with the stresses of COVID was as simple as two core thoughts: Stay healthy and stay sane. “Mental health has always been important to me. Like most people I was a victim of high anxiety and depression, but COVID amplified it. So, I moved forward with the thought of becoming a barre instructor, but I was quiet about it and figured I would share it when I was ready.” Trinidad notes that owner, founder, Lisa Alberino helped in the decision making as well as the process of transforming from student to teacher. “Lisa was a huge influence in this and the equipe she has carefully assembled was incredibly supportive. As a student I was unconsciously being taught to be a teacher at labarre the entire time.” Trinidad has seen his fair share of classes as he began with the studio over 4 years ago completing hundreds and hundreds of classes. “A big influence was a purpose to serve and be in studio with people since the underground – seeing their hard work and seeing them becoming healthier inspired me.” How was Trinidad going to use this inspiration and switch places from pupil to instructor? Easy. He was going to use his creativity. “Personally, and professionally one of my goals this year was to be more creative. The opportunity to do so and to lead while doing it was right there.” He continues. “I had to get out of the cycle of ‘Is this good enough?’ I needed to boost that confidence and as I always say ‘Chest is proud, dig a little deeper!’ That pride has led Trinidad to the front of the class in one of the most difficult times this country has ever seen. Going front and center not only in studio but also virtually means taking your game to the next level. In his class you expect to get great instruction because of one key ingredient: The willingness from the members to embrace the situation as well. “We are going to work big time, but we are going to have fun! I go into the studio and get people inspired. New members allow me to see their progress in only a few class sessions and that fuels me!”
Trinidad’s methods are simple, effective, and embraced. He ‘goes with the flow’ and works alongside of those lucky enough to come to his classes. And what occurs during class? “Let’s see what happens – we may not be perfect. But I know we will surely be having fun!” After speaking with Trinidad, he closes the interview with a great thought. “For me, yesterday a member said, ‘I love coming to your class – there’s just something about your energy… it just turns a tough day around.’ That warms my heart because that’s inspires me and allows me to serve with purpose to my La Barre community. That’s why I chose to do this!” Won’t you try and feel that energy from Trinidad? Sign up for one of his amazing classes, HERE! 6/10/2021 0 Comments My Story
I had never run more than a 10K in my life, but ½ marathons were trending at the time … I justified the race as a great way to meet people and I do love the way running shapes my body. The irony is, I adore the excitement of race day and the camaraderie that ensues, but I absolutely detest the act of running! But this race was different … It was sexy! First off, it was held in San Francisco, what a better backdrop to take my mind off of every pace of the run? Secondly, all finishers receive a Tiffany necklace (maybe that should have been my first bullet point!?) Lastly, there are firefighters in suspenders waiting to party with the runners at the finish line. Oh, and did I fail to mention that Ghirardelli chocolates are given to everyone after they complete the race? SOLD! The bummer is, through all of my training for the 1/2 marathon, I unfortunately tore my right hip labrum. My hip would periodically “lock up” and I would have to endure the most excruciating pain I had ever felt. I consulted with a Stanford surgeon who noted that the only way to repair this type of injury was with surgery. The surgery would be evasive, boasted a long recovery period, and required the use of a walker for six months. Compounding this woeful news, this doctor also shared that there was no guarantee that the surgery could fully eliminate the challenges I was facing. He recommended trying physical therapy (PT) a minimum of 5-days a week in lieu of the aforementioned surgery. Having a degree in physiology & kinesiology, I am familiar with physical therapy and what it entails. PT is neither fun nor engaging for the mind, and it is certainly not built for consistency. While pondering options, a friend mentioned to me that she had maintained her running weight for an entire year by replacing running with barre classes. Barre workouts are engaging and focus on building strength in the hips, glutes, and core. The structure of a barre class is inviting, along with a friendly and welcoming environment which also engages the mind. I felt more comfortable committing to something that had this type of appeal, plus it’s no secret that PT is expensive and can add up fast! Plain and simple, what happened next changed my life. I joined a local barre studio, took 5+ classes per week, strengthened my hip, avoided surgery, and ran my personal best ½ marathon time! My story isn’t over there. It continually evolves, like labarre studios which I founded in 2017. The studio at 1445 The Alameda in San Jose, California has become a testament to shifting and pivoting and allowing people, like you and I, to expand our horizons and give us the best fitness experience around. Barre, Pilates, Yoga, HIIT, meditation and more are on the menu when you walk in our front doors. This balanced menu of options is amplified by some of the finest wellness providers in the Bay Area including esthetician and facial services, massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, lashes, skincare and more!
My story has twists and turns and still remains to be fully written. Are you to write new chapters in your story? We at labarre would love to be a part of it! |
Address1445 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126 |
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